Shopping Help
  • Select the products you want and the quantity in each.
  • Click on "add to cart". Do not worry if you are selecting too many items. You can delete items later.
  • If your item does not get added to the cart, please check if your browser allows "cookies".
  • You will not be billed if you quit anytime you are browsing our site.
  • At any time you may delete any item, or change the ordered quantity.
  • Your credit card information is required only in the last step of checkout. We accept Visa and Mastercard.
  • For added security, your credit card details are NOT stored in our computers. They are directly fed by your browser by secure connection connection to our payment processor.
  • Feel free to try out and get familiar with the shopping experience. You may use real or imaginary names and addresses to check out these steps. It is absolutely safe! If you still have questions, you may contact us using the contact us link.
About our shopping cart:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Cart Info Address Info Review and Pay
Select the products you want and the quantity in each.

•Provide your name, address and contact information. (billing address)
•Provide the shipping address and contact information if different from your's.
•Specify delivery date (useful to send gifts to someone, say, on someone's birthday).

•Type in a message if it is a gift, or type in special instructions to us.

•Review all the details you have provided so far. make corrections by going BACK in your browser.
•Provide only your credit card number, expiry date and CVV number. No other information is needed in this stage.

•All done!

The CVV code is an added security feature to help protect you against misuse of your card. The CVV Code is a group of numbers immediately following your credit card number printed on the back for Visa and Mastercard. (See picture.)
We strive to serve you better.